• [email protected]
    [AT_country] => Germany
    [AT_hotel_cost] => 248
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_4] => 996.02
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_2] => 1118.37
    [AT_tag_continent] => Array
            [0] => North America

    [AT_avg_temp_low_may] => 48.6
    [AT_avg_daily_cost] => 0
    [AT_avg_temp_high_january] => 40.7
    [AT_meal_cost] => 16.37
    [AT_visa_required] => Visa Required
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_8] => 1371.35
    [AT_avg_temp_low_november] => 39.5
    [AT_rainy_season] => Array
            [0] => February
            [1] => July
            [2] => August

    [AT_exchange_rate] => 0.9119
    [AT_country_abbreviation] => DE
    [AT_avg_temp_high_november] => 47.2
    [AT_trip_advisor] => Link
    [AT_walkability_score] => 97
    [AT_top_attractions] => {
  "total_attractions": 745,
  "top_rated_attractions": [
      "name": "Explore Berlin's Top Attractions 3-hour English Walking Tour",
      "price": "21.71 USD",
      "rating": "4.9 (44 reviews)",
      "image_url": "https://r-xx.bstatic.com/xdata/images/xphoto/300x320/149553870.jpg?k=4c1e0545440ce807dbe46e3790bc1f810db26a9b94a445c504012c6b115348b5&o=",
      "booking_link": "#"
      "name": "Berlin TV Tower with Restaurant and Bar Visit",
      "price": "30 USD",
      "rating": "4.6 (44 reviews)",
      "image_url": "https://q-xx.bstatic.com/xdata/images/xphoto/300x320/338466675.jpg?k=7918e37a62c551291360f9330414b9911c12285e5181c4c83cc79b512ce8713e&o=",
      "booking_link": "#"
      "name": "BODY WORLDS Berlin Admission",
      "price": "20.72 USD",
      "rating": "4.6 (186 reviews)",
      "image_url": "https://q-xx.bstatic.com/xdata/images/xphoto/300x320/285260903.jpg?k=99455944e7baf8873615b4e9ddec93f81c084b8c1f780aa21781fa6ef1d5dff9&o=",
      "booking_link": "#"
      "name": "Madame Tussauds Berlin Admission",
      "price": "31.63 USD",
      "rating": "4.6 (94 reviews)",
      "image_url": "https://q-xx.bstatic.com/xdata/images/xphoto/300x320/327196509.jpg?k=d30c99593a4b5a7daa96c0324eb3ee218a7f787baba7aff45ea7848edbc8d7b8&o=",
      "booking_link": "#"
      "name": "Two-hour Cruise along the Havel",
      "price": "20.62 USD",
      "rating": "4.6 (18 reviews)",
      "image_url": "https://q-xx.bstatic.com/xdata/images/xphoto/300x320/320913943.jpg?k=90444177b46c7dfe7b54004e54ddd092b4de690463d593e91bc94d59a8e8553c&o=",
      "booking_link": "#"
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_3] => 1158.66
    [AT_travel_advisory_score] => 3
    [AT_city_image copy] => Array
            [0] => Array
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    [AT_avg_temp_low_december] => 34.6
    [AT_avg_temp_low_october] => 47
    [AT_latitude] => 52.5200066
    [AT_public_transport_cost] => 3.82
    [AT_avg_temp_high_may] => 65.6
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_12] => 1379.75
    [AT_imported_beer_cost] => 4.37
    [AT_tag_country] => Array
            [0] => Germany

    [AT_total_stay_cost] => 1772.9
    [AT_best_time_to_visit] => May to September
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_11] => 1236.1
    [AT_booking_attractions_id] => eyJ1ZmkiOi0xNzQ2NDQzfQ==
    [AT_taxi_cost] => 4.04
    [AT_avg_temp_high_june] => 75.4
    [AT_booking_destination_id] => -1746443
    [AT_cappuccino_cost] => 3.99
    [AT_currency] => EUR
    [AT_avg_temp_low_march] => 36.4
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_10] => 1409.91
    [AT_avg_temp_high_december] => 40.6
    [AT_taxi_cost_start] => 5.29
    [AT_city] => Berlin
    [AT_avg_temp_low_june] => 57.3
    [AT_avg_temp_low_august] => 59.6
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_9] => 1346.31
    [AT_avg_temp_low_september] => 52.4
    [AT_avg_temp_high_february] => 45.4
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_7] => 1060.19
    [AT_avg_temp_high_august] => 75.8
    [AT_avg_temp_low_july] => 58.5
    [AT_avg_temp_high_july] => 75
    [AT_avg_temp_high_october] => 58.9
    [AT_avg_temp_high_april] => 55.9
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_1] => 1323.5
    [AT_continent] => Europe
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_5] => 1014.04
    [Countries 2] => Array
            [0] => rec61rPdUI7BNVOBX

    [AT_slug] => berlin
    [AT_travel_advisory_message] => Germany has a current risk level of 3 (out of 5). We advise: Use some caution when travelling Germany.
    [AT_avg_temp_high_september] => 68.3
    [AT_airports] => BER
    [AT_travel_advisory_updated] => 2024-08-13T08:21:03.000Z
    [AT_avg_temp_high_march] => 50.3
    [AT_longitude] => 13.404954
    [AT_avg_temp_low_february] => 35.9
    [AT_domestic_beer_cost] => 4.91
    [AT_item_ID] => 64eed6699440e770145df411
    [AT_family_friendly] => Yes
    [AT_total_stay_months_out_6] => 1093.78
    [AT_avg_temp_low_january] => 34.1
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    [AT_language] => USA
    [AT_avg_temp_low_april] => 40.7
    [AT_type_of_vacation] => Array
            [0] => City
            [1] => Cultural

    [AT_seo_title] => Berlin, Germany Travel Information

🗺️ Country: Germany

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required

🏨 Hotel: $248/night

🌞 Best Time: May to September

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $4.91

🚕 Taxi: $4.04


🗺️ Country: China

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required

🏨 Hotel: $177/night

🌞 Best Time: September to February

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $1.12

🚕 Taxi: $0.58

New York

🗺️ Country: United States

🗳️ Visa: N/A

🏨 Hotel: $504/night

🌞 Best Time: May to October

🌍 Continent: North America

🍺 Beer: $8

🚕 Taxi: $3.5

Hong Kong

🗺️ Country: China

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $174/night

🌞 Best Time: November to February

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $7.04

🚕 Taxi: $2.06


🗺️ Country: Italy

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $118/night

🌞 Best Time: April to October

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $6.55

🚕 Taxi: $3.07


🗺️ Country: Mexico

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $118/night

🌞 Best Time: November to May

🌍 Continent: North America

🍺 Beer: $2.87

🚕 Taxi: $4.2

Ho Chi Minh City

🗺️ Country: Vietnam

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required

🏨 Hotel: $102/night

🌞 Best Time: November to April

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $1.19

🚕 Taxi: $1.02


🗺️ Country: Germany

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $81/night

🌞 Best Time: May to September

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $4.91

🚕 Taxi: $4.39


🗺️ Country: Macao

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $226/night

🌞 Best Time: October to January

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $4.97

🚕 Taxi: $1.92


🗺️ Country: Czech Republic

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $63/night

🌞 Best Time: May to September

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $2.58

🚕 Taxi: $2.01


🗺️ Country: Japan

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $151/night

🌞 Best Time: April to November

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $3.41

🚕 Taxi: $4.83


🗺️ Country: United Kingdom

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $312/night

🌞 Best Time: May to October

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $8.32

🚕 Taxi: $3.91


🗺️ Country: Spain

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025_

🏨 Hotel: $277/night

🌞 Best Time: May to August

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $3.82

🚕 Taxi: $3.51

Kuala Lumpur

🗺️ Country: Malaysia

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $67/night

🌞 Best Time: February and July

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $4

🚕 Taxi: $1.79

San Francisco

🗺️ Country: United States

🗳️ Visa: N/A

🏨 Hotel: $282/night

🌞 Best Time: June to October

🌍 Continent: North America

🍺 Beer: $8

🚕 Taxi: $3.25

Rio de Janeiro

🗺️ Country: Brazil

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $100/night

🌞 Best Time: January to October

🌍 Continent: South America

🍺 Beer: $1.75

🚕 Taxi: $1.33


🗺️ Country: Thailand

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $27/night

🌞 Best Time: December to March

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $2.25

🚕 Taxi: $1.9


🗺️ Country: United Arab Emirates

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required

🏨 Hotel: $158/night

🌞 Best Time: January to May

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $12.25

🚕 Taxi: $1.31


🗺️ Country: United States

🗳️ Visa: N/A

🏨 Hotel: $174/night

🌞 Best Time: November to March

🌍 Continent: North America

🍺 Beer: $6

🚕 Taxi: $3.06


🗺️ Country: Italy

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $135/night

🌞 Best Time: September to November

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $5.46

🚕 Taxi: $2.42


🗺️ Country: Spain

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $225/night

🌞 Best Time: June to October

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $3.82

🚕 Taxi: $2.28


🗺️ Country: Indonesia

🗳️ Visa: Visa On Arrival

🏨 Hotel: $88/night

🌞 Best Time: April to November

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $3.09

🚕 Taxi: $0.72


🗺️ Country: China

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required

🏨 Hotel: $127/night

🌞 Best Time: August to November

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $1.4

🚕 Taxi: $0.64


🗺️ Country: India

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required

🏨 Hotel: $68/night

🌞 Best Time: December to Feburary

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $2.39

🚕 Taxi: $0.56

Los Angeles

🗺️ Country: United States

🗳️ Visa: N/A

🏨 Hotel: $169/night

🌞 Best Time: April to November

🌍 Continent: North America

🍺 Beer: $8

🚕 Taxi: $2.7


🗺️ Country: Italy

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $327/night

🌞 Best Time: June to August

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $5.02

🚕 Taxi: $2.64


🗺️ Country: China

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required

🏨 Hotel: $157/night

🌞 Best Time: April to October

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $1.19

🚕 Taxi: $0.58


🗺️ Country: Taiwan

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $112/night

🌞 Best Time: March to July

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $2.84

🚕 Taxi: $1.23

Punta Cana

🗺️ Country: Dominican Republic

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $145/night

🌞 Best Time: December to April

🌍 Continent: North America

🍺 Beer: $2.54

🚕 Taxi: $3.16


🗺️ Country: Vietnam

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $28/night

🌞 Best Time: September to December

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $0.99

🚕 Taxi: $0.96


🗺️ Country: Netherlands

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $305/night

🌞 Best Time: April to October

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $6.82

🚕 Taxi: $4.22


🗺️ Country: Portugal

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $257/night

🌞 Best Time: May to September

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $2.73

🚕 Taxi: $1.23


🗺️ Country: India

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required

🏨 Hotel: $32/night

🌞 Best Time: November to March

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $1.64

🚕 Taxi: $0.58


🗺️ Country: Thailand

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $65/night

🌞 Best Time: November to March

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $2.25

🚕 Taxi: $1.81


🗺️ Country: South Korea

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $130/night

🌞 Best Time: May to June or September to October

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $3.68

🚕 Taxi: $0.95


🗺️ Country: Hungary

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $63/night

🌞 Best Time: April to October

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $2.74

🚕 Taxi: $1.94


🗺️ Country: Canada

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $412/night

🌞 Best Time: May to September

🌍 Continent: North America

🍺 Beer: $5.77

🚕 Taxi: $2.32


🗺️ Country: Ireland

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $306/night

🌞 Best Time: June to September

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $7.31

🚕 Taxi: $3.95


🗺️ Country: Austria

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $213/night

🌞 Best Time: May to September

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $5.46

🚕 Taxi: $2.92

Las Vegas

🗺️ Country: United States

🗳️ Visa: N/A

🏨 Hotel: $247/night

🌞 Best Time: April to June and September to October

🌍 Continent: North America

🍺 Beer: $5

🚕 Taxi: $2.76


🗺️ Country: Russia

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required

🏨 Hotel: $71/night

🌞 Best Time: May to September

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $3.51

🚕 Taxi: $0.75


🗺️ Country: South Africa

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $78/night

🌞 Best Time: April to May and August to September

🌍 Continent: Africa

🍺 Beer: $2.13

🚕 Taxi: $1.76


🗺️ Country: India

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required

🏨 Hotel: $57/night

🌞 Best Time: November to March

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $2.39

🚕 Taxi: $0.38


🗺️ Country: Australia

🗳️ Visa: ETA Visa

🏨 Hotel: $182/night

🌞 Best Time: December to April

🌍 Continent: Oceana

🍺 Beer: $7.16

🚕 Taxi: $4.71


🗺️ Country: France

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required

🏨 Hotel: $362/night

🌞 Best Time: May to October

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $7.64

🚕 Taxi: $3.39


🗺️ Country: Greece

🗳️ Visa: Visa Required (Starting 2025)

🏨 Hotel: $208/night

🌞 Best Time: May to October

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $5.46

🚕 Taxi: $1.76


🗺️ Country: Turkey

🗳️ Visa: eVisa

🏨 Hotel: $133/night

🌞 Best Time: May to September

🌍 Continent: Europe

🍺 Beer: $3.92

🚕 Taxi: $0.87


🗺️ Country: Singapore

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $239/night

🌞 Best Time: January to May

🌍 Continent: Asia

🍺 Beer: $7.54

🚕 Taxi: $1.21


🗺️ Country: Peru

🗳️ Visa: Visa Free

🏨 Hotel: $59/night

🌞 Best Time: October to December

🌍 Continent: South America

🍺 Beer: $2.16

🚕 Taxi: $3.47


🗺️ Country: United States

🗳️ Visa: N/A

🏨 Hotel: $198/night

🌞 Best Time: December to May

🌍 Continent: North America

🍺 Beer: $8

🚕 Taxi: $2.2